Advisor- Seven Star Immigration Group

توضیحات آگهی
صاحب اگهی
مهاجرت سون استار

همه روزه هزاران آگهی به منظور رفع نیاز های روزانه شما عزیزان در سایت "ایران گوگل" منتشر می شود.ایران گوگل" صرفا به معرفی کالا ها ، خدمات و نیازمندی های شهروندان می پردازد ، لذا هیچ گونه مسئولیتی در قبال محتوای آگهی و پرداخت های مالی کاربران ندارد.لطفا هنگام داد و ستد در فضای مجازی ، از صحت ادعای آگهی دهندگان اطمینان لازم را به دست آورید.برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتربه سایت پلیس فتا مراجعه نمایید

In the Seven Star immigration service collection, you are in sync and with you, from providing basic information and your immigration application to obtaining a visa and obtaining residency in all countries of the world, you can consider Seven Immigration Institute as your trusted and experienced advisor for immigration and legal services. :
our services :
1. Obtaining a visa:
It doesn't matter what your immigration intention is, we can obtain your requested visa in the shortest possible time and save money, and you can plan your educational, residential, and economic activities in the destination country with peace of mind.
2. Easy and safe immigration:
If you have a bitter history and memories of companies and other immigration institutions, it`s enough to keep up with us and be with us. With three decades of continuous activity and having legal offices in different countries, we have been able to provide easy immigration for those who have trusted us. To view the resume of our immigration actions, follow us on Instagram and social networks to learn about the travel and immigration experience of people who have been able to immigrate to their desired country through our institution.
. Company registration and investment
If you are facing restrictions for your commercial and specialized activities in Iran, our consultants are with you with all the necessary advice to enter the global markets and start economic activity in the global dimension, up to registration and the necessary steps for registration.
4. Support for refugees:
If you have become a refugee in another country and you need an experienced team to remove the restrictions and obtain permanent residence in that country, just contact the legal advisors of Seven Star Group, and we will consider all the necessary measures on your behalf so that you can receive the ease of residence in that country.
In a word, we can say:
Seven Star Immigration Group, relying on its many years of credibility and high expertise, has been able to provide its clients with the best and most reliable immigration methods in the field of immigration procedures. Seven Star is a specialist in obtaining study, work, tourist, investment, marriage, business, etc. visas and always offers the best and fastest way to obtain residence according to the conditions of individuals. Seven Star Immigration Group, with its successful staff, provides the best ways of immigration and legal residence to all types of applicants, including students, businessmen, investors, etc. Seven Star Immigration Group is ready to serve in the best possible way for those who are looking for a safe and legal way to a bright future.
Our services include:
• Obtaining all types of visas
• Types of educational, marriage, work, group, and family migration
• Able to apply for and obtain citizenship or permanent residence card
• Registration of company or investment and "BOI"
• Support for refugees

کد آگهی : 133827
بازدید : 128
★★★★★★★★★★ 5/ 5 128
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