Arvan Parto Takap’s microwave drying and disinfection device

Food security means: "Ensuring that all people have physical and economic access to the basic foods they need at all times."While 11% of the world's population suffers from hunger and malnutrition, 25% of all food produced is lost during storage after harvest.
Today, radiation processing is known as a safe and clean industry in the world, which is the basis for expanding the use of radiation in various industrial, social and economic fields in today's societies.
Ayaran World Trading Group plans to introduce Arvan Parto microwave drying and disinfection device under the Takap brand in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company.Takap’s microwave drying and disinfection device can act as a non-chemical alternative method for grain disinfection by using microwave heating. This is an effective, economical and safe way to increase the shelf life of grains.
Arvan Parto’s industrial microwave can be used in various fields and industries and can be custom made depending on the needs and requests of the applicant. Among the most important uses of this product are the following: Sterilization of medical, food and health products in packaging and waste materials by removing bacteria and microbes; Disinfection of agricultural products, processing of polymer materials to improve physical and mechanical properties.
Takap Diligent in preserving the environment, with you

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Arvan Parto Takap’s microwave drying and disinfection device
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به روزرسانی :
6 ماه و 19 روز و 7 ساعت و58 دقیقه 33 ثانیه پیش
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