Takap essential oil extractor machine

In ancient Greece and Rome, aromatic oils were used to perfume the body and relieve pain, massage therapy and bath therapy.
And in ancient India, aromatic and fragrant plants were used in daily life and religious ceremonies, especially the fragrance of roses and jasmine and sandalwood incense in temples and holy places. Nowadays, new microwave methods are used to extract these oils and extracts, which is a new development in the perfume industry, plant essential oils and volatile oils.
Ayaran Global Business Group offers microwave essential oil extractors under Takap brand in cooperation with Toseh Karbord Partoha Company. Extracting essential oils with Takap microwave device with 4 times concentration and performance compared to the common and traditional methods; Reducing the duration of extracting essential oils with Takap microwave device to a few minutes compared to the common methods of 5 to 6 hours; Purity of volatile oils, plant extracts and essential oils using a microwave beam device due to no need of high temperature; Takap microwave essence extracting device is environmentally friendly and it is able to produce extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants by using microwave technology.
The microwave essential oil and extract extraction device does not have a similar internal effort and there are only a few limited foreign examples of it in the world.
Preservation of the environment, continuity of life, sustainable development.

Environmental protection, life continuity, sustainable development

Face book: Takap Ayaran
Instagram: @take_up.ayaran
WhatsApp: +989981518742
Gmail: ayarantakap@gmail.com
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Takap essential oil extractor machine
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4 ماه و 20 روز و 6 ساعت و5 دقیقه 26 ثانیه پیش
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