Ayaran Investment Holding
هلدینگ عیاران
Ayaran Investment Holding Ayaran Investment Company has brought together a group of companies in various fields such as export and import industry, exchange and foreign exchange services, international law, global marketing consulting, immigration, etc. to provide a variety of services. This international group started working in the field of trade in 2014 and no…
1402/11/10 14:40:07
3 Ayaran Holding
هلدینگ عیاران
Ayaran Holding Ayaran Holding manages a series of specialized companies that are widely active in various fields such as the export and import industry, exchange and foreign exchange services, international law, global marketing consulting, immigration, etc. This international collection started in the field of trade in 2004. The accumulated capital resulting fr…
1402/11/10 14:01:58
Ayaran Investment Company
هلدینگ عیاران
Ayaran Investment Company Ayaran Holding has brought together specialized companies in various fields such as marketing consulting, international trade, legal consulting, exchange and foreign exchange services, migration, oil projects, industrial gas and other business activities in a very dynamic group. The services needed by people should be done inside the com…
1402/11/10 13:51:51
نرم افزارهاي EDA_cad_cfd :
اليت کامپيوتر
نرم افزارهاي EDA_cad_cfd سری دوم : 3DSystems.Geomagic.Sculpt.2016.2.62 AASHTOWare.Pavement.ME.Design.2013.v1.3.28 ABB RobotStudio 5.07 Abvent Twinmotion 2018.0.7114 ABViewer Enterprise AcadTopoPlan.v16.12.3 AcornPipe v8-619 acQuire v4.2.1.1 Act-3D Lumion Pro 6.5.1 Agisoft.Metashape.Pro.v1.5.0.7125.x64 Ansoft HFSS v16.2 Win64 APF.Nexus.Wo…
1402/9/22 20:01:56
ترخیص ماشین آلات و مفتول های فولادی و مواد غذایی از گمرک بندرعباس ، بم و کرمان
ترخیص کلیه کالاهای مجاز از گمرکات بندرعباس ، کرمان و بم اجرای کلیه خدمات تخصصی بازرگانی ، امور گمرکی و ترخیص کالا توسط بازرگانی اصغرزاده کارگزار رسمی گمرک آقای مجید اصغرزاده از جمله خدمات و امکانات…
1402/6/28 11:04:01
Animal supply Bahrain
Universal Animal is a specialized animal and pet shop located in Dubai/UAE. Under the supervision of Dr. Amin Ghasrfakhri we supply gorgeous pets and animals from IRAN such as dogs, birds, horses, cats, fish and shrimp. Our services include animal shop, bird store, cat store, dog store, horse store, dog breeding, animal supply, veterinary medicine, dog supply (Ch…
1401/9/28 18:12:31
Siam Petrochemical and Petroleum Products International Company
Siam Oil Company is active in the field of buying and selling petrochemical and oil products with a brilliant history. Siam's activity at the international level is specified at export, import, high quality and profitable international sales. Siam Oil covers the potential in the fields of trading petrochemical and petroleum products, gas condensate, chemical solv…
1401/9/20 14:15:42
Siam Trading Group
The Siam international business company with using the perfectional managers The international unit of Tejarat Siam Company, with experienced managers, is with the dear businessmen and businesswomen from the beginning to the end. This business group has been able to provide the most appropriate answers to all the needs of buying and selling food products, indust…
1401/9/20 14:12:56
Ayaran Investment Company
Ayaran Holding is an investment management company with successful reputation for many years in southeast markets that it has been able to provide valuable services to every single customer all around the world. This holding has been active by managing several companies such as, Seven-star group and Siam companies in various fields economic, currency, legal and c…
1401/9/20 14:07:50
واردات و صادرات
گروه بازرگاني بالازاده
واردات و صادرات گروه بازرگاني بالازاده با 11 سال سابقه در امور گمرکی از معتبرترین مجموعه هاي خدماتي در زمينه ترخيص کالا، واردات و صادرات مي باشد. خدمات بازرگاني بالازاده شامل کارگو و ترخيص در ايران و م…
1398/1/21 16:00:21
نرم افزار های Architectural_GIS_..
آرمان جم
نرم افزار های Architectural_GIS_..: Abvent Twinmotion 2018.0.6206 Up7 ADINA System 9.3.2 Win64 & Linux64 Adobe Master Collection CC 2017 Agisoft PhotoScan Pro Altair.HyperWorks.2017.2.Suite.Win64 Altair.HyperWorks.Desktop.2017.2.1.HotFix.Win64 Altair.HyperWorks.Solvers.2017.2.1.HotFix.Win64 Anadelta Tessera 2015.v3.2.2 Analdeta.Tessera.Pro.v…
1397/6/14 9:12:02
شرکت شومینه اچ بی
فروش شومینه های برقی مدرن و کلاسیک شومینه اچ بی اولین و بزرگترین تولید کننده شومینه های برقی مدرن با بالاترین کیفیت می باشد. شومینه اچ بی همچنین موفق به کسب استاندارد های بین المللی ISO 9001:2008 سیستم مدیریت…
1396/5/24 13:23:39
نرم افزارهاي)/cad-cae-cfd
پلنت افزار
نرم افزارهاي)/cad-cae-cfd : AE.Tools.for.CADVANCE.2005 BMW.ETK.v02.2002 BOBCAD.CAM.V21.2 BobCAD.CAM.Wire.v19.0 BORIS.RED.V2.1 Borland.Delphi.2005.Architect.3CD Borland.Enterprise.Server.v6.0 Bosch.Rexroth.WinStudio.v6.5 Boson.Router.Simulator.v3.71. BricsCad.Architecturals.v4.1.0027.for.AutoCAD BricsCad.Architecturals.v4.1.0027.for.BricsCad BRICSCAD.PR…
1395/1/22 9:53:15
خدمات گمرکی و بازرگانی عسکرپور ، ترخیص کالا ، صادرات و واردات کالا
جموعه عسکرپور ارائه دهنده کلیه خدمات گمرکی و بازرگانی زیر می باشد : 1-ترخیص کالا از کلیه گمرکات کشور ترخیص کالا از گمرکات بوشهر ترخیص کالا از گمرکات بندرعباس ترخیص کالا از گمرکات خرمشهر ترخیص کالا از …
1395/1/15 14:15:01
نرم افزارهاي cam-cad-CIVIL
اليت کامپيوتر
نرم افزارهاي cam-cad-CIVIL idland Valley 2DMove 4 for Windows IES.PetroMod.v11.0 IES.QuickRWall.v3 IHS Petra v3.1.8.3 IHS Subpump v9.0 IHS.GasLIFT IHS.OilWat/GasWat IHS.PERFORM IHS.Pipesoft IHS.PVTLIB IHS.QUESTOR IHS.RAPTOR IHS.VolOil/VolGas IkonScience.RokDoc.V5.0.52 Imbsen.WinNFAD.V2.0.0 iMOLD v10 iMOSS V2.3 IMSPost.v7.3 Industriel_SQL.for_Int…
1396/2/18 12:24:38