نرم افزارهاي EDA_CAD_CFD سری پنجم :
اليت کامپيوتر
نرم افزارهاي EDA_CAD_CFD سری پنجم : Aquaveo Watershed Modeling System v11.2.4 Arqcom CAD-Earth v8.0.3 for AutoCAD 2021-2024 Astah Professional v9.1 AutoForm Forming R10.0 Bentley RCDC 2023 Connect Edition BioSolvetIT SeeSAR v13.0.0 Windows64 + Linux64 Cadcorp Suite 2023 x64 Cadence 6SigmaDCX DataCenter Design Pro 2023.2 Cadence Desig…
1402/9/25 20:31:12
Ayaran Global Business Group
Ayaran Global Business Group has a long history in marketing projects and has found a superior position in marketing companies. In this group, people who are experts in the fields of marketing, SEO and marketing have been employed to provide all the services to you customers. All marketing activities are carried out by a team of experts with detailed analyzes bot…
1401/11/26 10:30:04
نرم افزار های جانبی ویندوز cad-cam-cnc
ونوس آوا
نرم افزار های جانبی ویندوز cad-cam-cnc Encom Discovery 2011 ENCOM EM Vision 2.30 Encom EMFlow 5.23 Encom Engage 7.0 Encom Engage3D 7.0 Encom ModelVision 12.0 ENCOM Noddy 7.11 Encom PA 12.0 ENCOM QuickMag 3.0 Ensoft DynaN 3.0 Ensoft UTEXAS4 TexGraf4 4.1 ESAComp 3.5 ESI Advanced CFD 2013.0 ESI PAM-RTM 2013.0 ESI PAM-Stamp 2G 2012 ESI PAM-TUBE …
1396/5/10 13:26:49
نرم افزارهاي cam-cad_cae\
اليت کامپيوتر
نرم افزارهاي cam-cad_cae\ AutoPol V9 Bentley.Staad.Foundation.V8i CLC Genomics Workbench 8.x Digital.Vision.Nucoda.v2015.3.020.Win64 Digital.Vision.Phoenix.v2015.3.020.Win64 DipTrace with 3D Library Win32_64 discovery 2015 DP.TECHNOLOGY.ESPRIT.V2015.R4 DRS.Technologies.Orca3D.v1.4.20160106.X64 ECS.Femfat.5.2.Suite.Linux32_64.&.Win32_64 ECS.Femf…
1396/2/30 9:17:46
Perlite, the 21st century production
zamin kavq
Perlite, the 21st century production Nowadays, concerning the rising cost of energy resources and relevant disputations about the management of energy consumption in Iran and the world, Perlite with its unique properties has attracted experts in various industries. Expanded benefiting from silicic firm constitution and abundant porosity has got a good resistance …
1395/4/14 9:49:52
خرید آلاباستر- buy persian alabaster
آقای خدایی- mr khodaii
persian alabaster our company consider that the persian alabaster without any intermediaries recive to customer all of the world. buy sales alabaster whitout any involvement just call us and our experts waiting for you. WHAT IS ALABASTER? Alabaster is a nice stone and light pass through it. The mineral alabaster is what is widely used for decorative materials …
1395/1/16 6:30:01
نرم افزارهای GeoStru Slope 2016_wastch softrip 7.3
اليت کامپيوتر
نرم افزارهای GeoStru Slope 2016_wastch softrip 7.3: AEGIS v0.19.65.505 Aldec.Active-HDL.10.3.x64 Analyze v12.0 Anatomage Invivo dental v5.4 Antenna Magus Professional v2017.3 aprinter v2016 ASAP.2014 bmp2segy v3.0 bysoft v7.2.0.1 cgg geovation v2015 CMG v2017.101 CNCKAD V16 CoventorWare v2016 crystal specman thinman v2015.1 crystal v2017.1.16 DATEM Su…
1397/3/27 10:19:55
نرم افزارهاي cam-cad-CIVIL
اليت کامپيوتر
نرم افزارهاي cam-cad-CIVIL idland Valley 2DMove 4 for Windows IES.PetroMod.v11.0 IES.QuickRWall.v3 IHS Petra v3.1.8.3 IHS Subpump v9.0 IHS.GasLIFT IHS.OilWat/GasWat IHS.PERFORM IHS.Pipesoft IHS.PVTLIB IHS.QUESTOR IHS.RAPTOR IHS.VolOil/VolGas IkonScience.RokDoc.V5.0.52 Imbsen.WinNFAD.V2.0.0 iMOLD v10 iMOSS V2.3 IMSPost.v7.3 Industriel_SQL.for_Int…
1396/2/18 12:24:38